Saturday, September 8, 2012

Israeli Combat Shooting for Police Officers Can Help Save Lives

"Do I want to die?" This is a examine that more police officers are request themselves in the United States. The Fbi reports that 57 police officers died in the line of duty in 2007. Two officers died by their own gun and sixteen were violently ambushed. The offender profile was a 30-year-old male (only male offenders) 5' 10" and 175 pounds with a prior criminal record. One half of the shootings occurred in the Southern Part of the U.S. In the last ten years over half of the shootings occurred at 0-5 feet and someone else third at 6-10 feet. Offenders injured 15,704 cops in 2006. Are you ready for the violence that is arrival your way?

Israelis know crime, violence and death. Their police and military have fought terrorists on a daily basis since 1948 and they are confronted with firearms more than their U.S. Counterparts. I am a professional firearms and Israeli Krav Maga Instructor. I study in Israel and train with the Israeli Krav Maga association under Grand master Haim Gidon, who is a veteran of three Israeli Wars. I teach from some separate evolutions and comprehend that there are discrete ways in which to carry your gun. Many professionals in Israel and elsewhere select not to carry the weapon with a bullet in the room while clear units, agencies or professionals do have a bullet chambered. It is a matter of choice. One of the main components of Israeli Combat Shooting is that you orient yourself to the target and point the gun at your target without focusing on the sights of the gun. This recipe transfers for work with handguns or long guns.

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I was certified to teach customary methods to law obligation and military prior to being indoctrinated to the Israeli way of fighting but I now teach Ics because it works. It is a totally separate approach for officers to rejoinder to deadly encounters and it is fully adaptable for civilian self-defense use.

Ics has a well-known foundation of muscle memory, instinct and reliability that is easy to teach to new recruits and veteran officers. Ics saves time and allows the shooter not to even look at gun sights because; in fact over half of all shootings happen at less than six feet. No sights are required when you can practically touch the offender.

"The first someone to deliver incapacitating shots is the one who wins the gunfight." I heard that ninety percent of gunfights are won by the first someone to shoot the other.

Firearms instructors often refer to point shooting and I think that there is a big misconception to its meaning. Israeli point shooting means naturally to have the shooter point his finger at the intended target as it is strait across the frame of the gun. That's it. You hit what you point at and you have been pointing to get what you want since you were a baby. It is ingrained into your subconscious memory and your instinct can't be re-programmed.

There are differences in the Israeli ideas when compared to U.S. Law obligation or military training. Israelis don't carry their gun with a round in the room (in most cases) because an officer's gun can be taken in a fight and used against him. Perpetrators don't ordinarily know much about guns and will naturally pull the trigger if the weapon is stolen in a fight. Nothing happens and this time can be the distinction between life and death in a violent encounter. Israelis are good with their hands and receive training on how to get the gun back. Israelis deploy guns quickly. This training instills confidence in shooters and reliability under stress.

My training is rooted in stress. Instructors build the training in stages of dry convention by the numbers, self-initiated dry practice, shooting drills with one round, three rounds and finally stress drills that involve pushing and hitting the shooter while he deploys rounds to the target. It is in fact unconventional by U.S. Standards but I have witnessed it working again and again with new recruits that have no experience. Shooters need to be desensitized to stress, pain and violence in their training. This can only happen through stress, pain and violence in training. We have all heard the saying "you fight like you train." It is our duty as instructors to bring this level of training to our officers for their survival.

This recipe is a fluid movement that involves drawing the handgun while the shooter is arresting into his stance, chambering a round while the gun is pushed out, grasped and fired. After a five-hour class, shooters will be able to draw their gun, room a round and deploy three rounds accurately to the target within a second or so.


The shooter makes a carport stance by stepping to the off-hand side with that leg only. The off-hand foot is positioned one half a step ahead of the shooting leg. The shooter bends his knees somewhat and gets into a fighting stance. The gun is drawn simultaneously from the holster and brought under eye level in front of the shooter close to the body, parallel to the ground and canted 90 degrees (palm facing down). The off hand comes up before the gun defensively and racks the gun with the thumb and index finger as the gun hand pushes transmit and repositions the gun to a suitable angle (rotating clockwise). The off-hand comes up to assume a strong grip and the shooter simultaneously places his finger on the trigger and deploys rounds to the head of the target. All head shots all the time.

This is a basal shooting ideas that is easy to teach and arresting to learn. It is great to teach to veteran cops who want to learn new techniques and is cutting edge in its effectiveness. It is perfect for law enforcement, military or civilian self- defense. This will be a multi-part series of articles, the next to feature the training drills and foundation to the technique. Other articles will consist of developed applications, stress drills and gun disarms for the satiations when the officer needs to obtain rights of his gun in the worst-case scenario.

Israeli Combat Shooting for Police Officers Can Help Save Lives

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