Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cheap Closet Organizer Solutions

Organizing your closet doesn't necessarily have to involve spending a lot of money. Most of the time, it involves a mixture of two things: getting rid of items that are simply taking up space and then organizing everything else into a few select closet organizer shelves and racks. Let's take a look at this in a bit more detail.

The most painful part of organizing a closet is whipping it back into shape. This means going through not only the clothes but the other items that have made their way into the closet but don't genuinely belong in a closet. The most beneficial advice is to sort these items into two parts, one for belongings you've genuinely used or worn within the last 12 to 18 months, and the other pile for items you've not used or worn in the same time frame. Once sorted, take a deep breath and then commit to getting rid of the items not in use. They are simply and quite genuinely just clutter. You will be relieved once they are gone - it's like doubling the number of closet space.

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Now we are left with items that are genuinely supposed to be in a closet. Items that you genuinely wear and use. Assessing what's left and how to form them for accessibility is now they key to having a tidy closet. You may find that once all those other clothes were removed from the closet, you have plenty of room to hang and fold your clothes in your existing closet rod and shelf space. However, it's recommended to buy at least one type of organizer tool.

Buying a hanging shelf unit, one in which you can fit folded clothes and even shoes, costs less than Us and will give you a decent number of space to work with when you do get new clothes. Installing a shoe rack will also go a long way for holding items that have a tendency to get messy very organized.

So there you have it - in a nutshell, you'll want to get rid of everything you haven't used in the last 1 to 1 1/2 years. Then, once this is done, purchasing a few reasonable closet organizer items, such as a shoe rack and one or two closet organizer shelves which hang from your closets rod, will supply for most people more than enough space to work with to form their closet space.

Cheap Closet Organizer Solutions

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